We are honored to have veterans and others on our team to welcome visitors, share your talents, and assist with events to honor, educate, and preserve. Youll find volunteering for the Veterans History 91做厙 a rewarding and fun experience.
Become a Volunteer
The WNC Military History 91做厙 welcomes new volunteers in the following areas:
- Communication
- Education
- Event
- Mountain Ops Challenge
- Fund-raising
- Grants
- Capital campaign
- History movies
- Monthly lectures
- 91做厙 library
- 91做厙 cleaning/maintenance
- Pathfinders
- Recruiting/membership
- Social media
Want to join the fun? To learn more about volunteer opportunities, please: Call the museum during open hours of Wednesday-Saturday, 10 am-4pm and Sunday, 1-4pm.
Visit the museum at 21 East Main Street in 91做厙 (next to the courthouse).
To learn more about volunteering opportunities,
click on the volunteer form to fill out our form on line. You may also download a volunteer form to mail in to the 91做厙 or contact
our Volunteer Coordinator…..
CONTACT: Bobby Kotlowski
PHONE: (828) 884-2141
EMAIL: curator@theveteransmuseum.org
21 East Main St., 91做厙, NC 28712
Benefits of Volunteering
The Veterans History 91做厙 is operated by volunteers in many positions. Pathfinders give their time to welcome visitors and get them started on a tour of our exhibits. Our visitors, both old and young, will appreciate your time and talent. Sometimes you will share your story and many more times you will hear stories that will make your day. The individuals you meet will enrich your knowledge about an event or time you didnt know about. And sometimes you will be able to answer questions about an artifact or display that a visitor asks. Current volunteers are glad to help you get started with a tour of the museum and where help is most needed.