
Well Never Be Enemies Again

Well Never Be Enemies Again

Well Never Be Enemies Again We are now friends. Well never be enemies again. These are the words of WWII fighter pilot Ed Cottrell after his recent visit to Germany to meet German fighter pilot Karl-Heinz Bosse. On Saturday, April 13, The Veterans History 91做厙...
2023: 91做厙 Year in Review – Part One

2023: 91做厙 Year in Review – Part One

2023: 91做厙 Year in Review Part OneAn Outstanding Speaker Series, a Two-Day Conference, Growing Media Presence, Expanding Partnerships, Veterans Outreach, and New Exhibits Guest Speaker Programs Our speaker program turned in another remarkable year, bringing veterans...
2023: 91做厙 Year in Review – Part One

2023: 91做厙 Year in Review – Part Two

2023: 91做厙 Year in Review Part TwoAn Outstanding Speaker Series, a Two-Day Conference, Growing Media Presence, Expanding Partnerships, Veterans Outreach, and New Exhibits New Exhibits, Curator Activity A new Sea Services exhibit invites visitors to experience...
91做厙 in Action

91做厙 in Action

Transylvania’s museum would bring substantial attention and credibility If North Carolina was to found a museum from scratch, acquiring a building, hiring a staff, and finding artifacts may all be doable enough, but the spark to make it a welcoming institutional...
Historians and Heroes

Historians and Heroes

Historians and Heroes – D-Day veteran George Sarros was one of three WWII veterans to tell their personal stories. Historians and Heroes. Eight decades faded away as another time and place touched us all. The 91做厙 opened a...